The mind is like a garden: Pull the weeds. Trim the hedges. Whenever some negative external force comes my way, I don't fight it, I face it head on, observing it's odd nature. Cause deep down I know, I'm in the business of blooming flowers!
Positive thinking exercises are to rid your life of thoughts like: "My life sucks", "Things will never get better", "I'll never be able to pay for these expenses", "I'm no good" - Do they sound familiar?
These are the thoughts of negative thinkers.
These thoughts that may be with you now or were a part of your life some time ago. But now it is time for a change!
1. Fill your mind with positive thoughts
Positive thinking exercises are just like any form of exercise. Repetition on a daily basis leads to us getting fitter and healthier. The same applies to our minds.
Actively seek out positive thoughts whether it be about you or someone else or something else. This is not a self esteem building exercise as such. It is a practice that makes for a worthy long term habit of a healthy mind.
Hit the original link for more positive thinking exercises :)
Great tips, will try and do it.
You can visit my blog here.
just think of porn and it's all good haha
lol @ RageCampeX. Porn makes everything better! xD
Seriously though, great post, great exercise.
Keep 'em coming! :D
Great exercise, thanks! :D
Jackie Chan adventures, what up :D
nice i need to try this
So judging by the title you are saying that the flow is positive? I should hope so, i don;t want to surrender to a negative flow lol
Such good advice! I really needed to read this today. ;)
I'm feeling the positive thoughts. Thank you!
In the business of blooming flowers, nice man.
Well, awesome, Zander. This is totally the motivation I needed today.
That's definitely one thing I love about your blog: if I need a pick me up, I know where to find it.
Thanks, bud!
Very nice tips to be zen :)
I'll do my best to follow it, thanks!
Trying to cleanse my mind of negativity and practicing your exercises! ;) Happy Tuesday!
@Zander you can use that one picture you liked on my page for one of your posts if you want to.
Yeah. I don't know about that.
Ty,ill try.
I woke up kind of stressed out today, I think I'm gonna try this out. Thanks for the post & link.
Great exercise, keep it up!
Every temporary defeat brings with it the seed for an equal or greater opportunity.
I was almost giving up studying for my finals, but suddenly I understant, now I'm way more positive xD
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