Feeling stressed or depressed at the office? Studies show that those with living office plants feel better and are often more productive. Don't just buy any plant though. Pick a plant YOU find especially attractive whether you're into exotics or just grass. Take pride in your plant and trim the dead ends when needed. This isn't just for a better office or your well being, but a better breathing environment too :)
Stay positive, friends!
Wow interesting, didnt know this. i thought that a plant next to you computer absorbed part of the Radiation, Cool.
I love having an indoor plant it encourages a clean and healthy atmosphere and takes little effort to keep healthy :) Good post!
theres just something about nature thats very soothing
Makes sense. We weren't designed to be cooped up in a cubical all day.
Great blog! Will definitely be hoping for new posts to read with my coffee, will be clicking again!!
I always put some fresh flowers out, makes everything a little more tolerable.
why feeling green means sad? here it means been sick
Feng Shwwwaayyyyyyyyyyyy massive!
:D! I love it!
I wonder if this has something to do with the oxygen from the plant? Either way it's a cool idea, bet it gives you something to be proud of when life gets you down!
sounds cool, im going to try it out
That is a very good idea I need some greenery in my life. It always spruces things up.
I'm growing a bhut jolokia (ghost chili)... I really enjoy it!
I've always liked dandelions, I could never understand why my grandma called them weeds. Would be pretty weird though decorating your office with dandelions though, heh.
I always like having flowers on my desk..simply because they're pretty.
I want to get myself a bonsai tree, they are beautiful :D but pretty expensive!
I better go get myself a plant! ;D
I like cacti
I could definitely stand to feel a bit greener!
Thanx for visiting my wee blog. I thought I'd come and do the same.
I first thought this post was about the other type of green!
Feeling green can be understood in very ilegal way :P and i prefere it that way as long i can get my weed :P
the green makes everyone happy, right? =)
great stuff, keep it up!
i am wearing green pants today, does it count?
Cool! I'm not a plant guy at all, but I will convince my office mate to take on the task. Good post!
Interesting post, also nice picture!
this makes sense!
I might have to pick up a plant tomorrow on my way to work and try this out
interesting; i never though such a small thing could affect your work
I'd need something that could survive without being cared for. Suggestions?
nice ill have to give this a try
I'm growing lots of flowers actually, they are awesome camouflage for my weeds:P
I have tons of plants and I still feel like crap.
I'll need to pick up a plant, in that case.
I'll have to remember this when i start work in a month or so =p.
Hmm. That seems interesting. I will try that out.
you forgot the higher oxygen level
I've always felt an attraction to the colour green and nature in general, they say that this is due to a lack of nature in one's life.
I feel white:) haha
My parents have a bunch of indoor plants. I have a mini bamboo plant in my computer room, also good for decor.
That's a really cool initiative.
Worked in my office
Still not sure which plant I will get...
I feel great. Spend about 6 hours a day outside, tending my edible garden and food forest. Nice blog. Thanks!
can i smoke that?
I have a few cacti laying around.
They sell little globes with small plants on etsy, they're super cute and low-maintenance :)
I love having plants near me while I work, love studying in the garden
Interesting. I didn't know this about plants.
WOW new idea for me!'
IM getting some flowers.
if only people cared a lot about the environment .-.
I have a few plants in my room. They really do add some colour and energy to the place.
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