Today I'd like to explain what my blog title is all about. I've been getting a few comments asking me what "surrender to the flow" actually means and how it can be applied to daily life. Well, there's no real secret here. The term "surrender to the flow" simply means going WITH the grain of life, not against it. It doesn't imply you should accept negativity nor should you let people walk all over you. It means that, although things don't always work out the way we'd like(ie. promotion or the loan approval)accept the reality of what has happened. Instead of struggling in the wake, understand that what is happening IS happening and theres not much you can do stuck and arguing about it. So..... Instead of getting hurt, feet-stomping angry, and over-thinking the matter, surrender to it. Understand that it happened, and move on to the next step. Trust that things will get better. A positive outlook gets positive outcomes every time!
Life is hard.... for all of us! It's not what happens to us in life, but how we deal with it :) Always remember that.
There are times when you need to understand that unless you're willing to put your foot down and make an attempt to change something, nothing will change at all.
excelente recomendacion
Its all about "dealing with it". Stress causes 99% of the problems. So avoid stress and you'll avoid 99% of the problems :D
glad you cleared that up :D
Ya, always remember there are multiple ways of dealing with anything.
I think that's very true. The way you look at life, reflects the way life turns out.
...Or was it the other way around? :P
Try to surrender to the flow all the time, doesn't always work.
When god give you lemons, you find a new god.
Aww. A lovely positive post to make me feel good about myself. Just go with the flow, relax and take it eaaaaaassyyyyyy!!
Great read thanks :]
sometimes its hard but we must think its the live testing us nice post
What life gives, you have to take it..Live with no regrets..
oh wow thats a beautiful picture :O
Great post + picture!
Yeah whatever bad happens there is almost always something good that is happening. you just gotta ignore the bad, and let in the good.
awesome picture man
Ohh..That makes sense. I figured it meant that, but I also saw it in terms of my personal philosophy: trying to find the silver lining in every situation, but especially the bad ones.
Great post, bud!
Did you take the picture?
Let nature take it's course :D
Thanks for the advice, this blog always gets me on to the right start to the day!
totes - life happens, we're just here for the ride
love that picture!
great post
Nice last quote there, the essence of $hit happens
i change nature, it doesn't change me.
I have to admit, a lot of times when life throws up a road block, my first reaction is to be pissed. That's part of my 'getting over it' process.
surrender has a negative connotation though
Nice post, interesting point of view
Go with the flow, but still be in command.
I had a "surrender to the flow" kind of day today. :) Followed!
thanks for making sense of things
In my life, in regards to the times and moments passed and incoming I have two views
Everything behind be was meant to happen and for that I am here. Past flows out of the present moment and that is why I say I am sponsored by Destiny.
As for the future, the best way to predict it is to create it.
Loved the pic
That's how ive lived my life for a long time
Great picture!
I always wondered what it meant, very deep ;D
Very true man, thanks for the nice post
Thanks for visiting!
An excellent day!
Be like clouds and water. Unsui.
i wish i could do this. i've been fightin' the flow forevah, man.
life is hard only because of people
hehe, true what dalexus said.
btw, here's a anti- yours: 'only dead fish go with the flow'. :D But it speaks for different matters methinks.
I love these positive thinking seminars!
Really nice picture to accompany this post. It's fine to roll with the punches, and live life as it happens, but it's always nice to give it a little push in the direction you want life to go.
Your blog title gives me a Buddhism vibe. I really like their way of thought
very cool picture
Very true advice at the end there :)
Great explanation
Every temporary defeat brings with it the seed of an equal or greater opportunity.
Life's fun.
Life sometimes is hard, but it's one hell of a ride!
You can visit my blog here.
Very nice sir!
I love it. I'm trying to get more positivity into my life. Your blog will assist with that nicely :)
When I get pissed at something, I get all like screw this, what happen, happens.
brilliant post, insightful!
I like it ;) Keep up the good work.
Very nice! I agree.
Yeah, positivity is vital especially in this day and age.
Awesome message
I like that attitude, it is similar to mine! This also reminds me that I might have to make an explanatory post about my own blog's title at some point... (;;^_^)7
Cool... although I think I've been "going with the flow" a little too much. I need to force myself into some uncomfortable situation & challenges because I'm getting lazy.
"go with the flow", but don't let it sweep you up
great blog mmmm
really great post dude, this is right on
Poetry Network
An excellent life philosophy!
will there be a comeback dude? =(
Where did you go?! I've missed you. The flow has taken our dear blogger. Come back!
I couldn't agree more, having a positive outlook on life changes even the worst times into a time of growth and understanding.
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