It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in the Northern Mountains of Utah. A bird is chirping outside and the morning dew from last nights rain is still on my window pane.
Lets realize how awesome it is that we're conscious and living beings all here to do our part. We laugh, cry, struggle, and sometimes own the day, but always moving forward!
Your positivity is awesome, Alex!
Thanks, Alex! Stay positive bro!
Just what I needed today! Thanks!
Keep your chin up!
I'm trying hard, feels like everyone around me is bringing me down, hard to fight the flow
It would be easier to think positive if it wasn't raining so much here in northern california for some reason lol.
Woo positive thinking, I need it! 2 tests tomorrow
It must be so nice in Utah right now. It's too hot here
It's great to have the chance to live everyday :D
I agree, no use in dwelling on negative thoughts.
I had it bad before. But one day I decided to be positive and have fun. Since then my life is awesome, even when bad stuff happens.
Gloomy people try to infect me, I just shrug it off and laugh.
I laugh alot! :D
I love you all!
urgh...i hate you and your beautiful mountains. I'm stuck in an Orwellian nightmare of a city
I think that picture is beautiful!
I LOVE Utah! I was just driving past cottonwood canyon the other day. Isn't it just gorgeous here? Your blog is so positive and awesome. :0)
I hope this lets me comment this time! Utah is absolutly beautiful! Thanks for following me. I love the concept you are instilling here. Nice work.
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